Thank you for your unwavering commitment and selfless dedication to your students and their families.
In the early months of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, we reached out to a small sampling of schools and asked for Teacher Hero nominations.
We wanted to hear the stories of the frontline teachers who were adapting and rising to the challenges they faced. We heard about teachers,
child care providers, and classroom educators who showed incredible courage, creativity, and positivity while navigating the constant changes.
Some of these heroes are featured in BECKER’S 2021 Early Childhood Catalog.
We know there are more teachers and child care providers who deserve extra recognition for their heroic actions during this extraordinary
time. Send a brief description of your hero to We’ll feature them along with the heroes named below.
Our Front Cover Hero
Thank you for your unwavering commitment and selfless dedication to your students and their families.
In the past year, we heard about heroic teachers, child care providers, and educators who showed incredible courage, creativity, and positivity while navigating the constant changes during the pandemic.
We know there are more teachers and child care providers who deserve extra recognition for their heroic actions during this extraordinary time. Send a brief description of your hero to We’ll feature them along with the heroes named below.
Our Front Cover Hero
Jasmin Reahm
Infant Toddler Assistant Teacher
The Malvern School Richboro, PA
Our front cover hero, has been an assistant teacher at The Malvern School of Richboro for 14 years. During these difficult times, Jasmin has been a guiding light of positivity to her students and peers. She has faced an exceptional challenge as most of the children in her care have just reached the minimum age required to wear face coverings in school. Her talent and experience in working with toddlers have given her the ability to communicate effectively from behind her mask using her tone of voice, thoughtful interactions, and warm embraces.
“Jasmin is absolutely adored by the children of our school and is fondly known as the ‘child magnet.’ In a school filled with experienced teachers, Jasmin stands out as a friend, a leader, and a calming soul.”
Kate Perez, Executive Director, The Malvern School of Richboro
Classroom Heroes
Felicia Moore
Preschool Head Start Teacher
Gateway Community Action Partnership-Head Start
Williamstown, NJ
Felicia Moore has been working in our Head Start program for the past 15½ years. She’s efficient, dependable, and always willing to give a helping hand. During these unprecedented times, she works diligently to ensure safe and nurturing settings for students uses her super hero strengths to build relationships with children and families.
Nominated by Lucila Barrios, Assistant Director of Program Services, Gateway Head Start
Danielle Thomas
Preschool Teacher
Celebree School of Frederick Frederick, MD
In the last 8 months Danielle has taken on every COVID related challenge in her classroom and personal life with stride. Walking into her classroom you would never imagine the world has changed. Her classroom is more beautiful and engaging than it has ever been because she puts her heart and soul into every child each and every day especially during COVID all while being an amazing mother to her three children. 50 words could never begin to be enough to describe Danielle’s dedication to early childhood, or how much she means to our school and her students. I promise no one is more deserving.
Nominated by Caroline Walker and Kristin Sigler, Frederick School Directors
Kristen Kramley
Assistant Director
The Learning Center
Lawrenceville, NJ
Kristen Kramley
Assistant Director
The Learning Center
Lawrenceville, NJ
We have been open since early April serving children of essential workers. During that time, Kristen coordinated with Child Care Connection for payments and worked with parents to get all the new, required licensing forms completed to ease the burden on families. She and I cooked every day for the children and Kristen also spent time in the classroom to offer additional support. She did a little of everything!
When the center was opened for all children, she worked hard to make the transition easier on the teachers, children and parents by familiarizing herself with all the new health, safety and licensing regulations that were quickly put in place. She assisted when applying for grants and has been my rock while I stress about finances, staying open, children, COVID etc.!
She is dedicated and organized beyond belief and able to handle any situation! Kristen is definitely my “Shero”!
Nominated by Liz Prior, Owner/Director, The Learning Center

Apple Montessori Schools
I would love to nominate Apple Montessori Schools as a whole. The dedication that all our educators have given to our families, each other and the entire Apple community has been overwhelming and so rewarding. This year has been a difficult one for all of us and the reason I cannot choose one teacher is because this was a TEAM effort-WE ARE A FAMILY! #APPLESTRONG! In March we were able to flip 1000 children from onsite to virtual, teach our teachers how to use zoom and keep our family connected. We are stronger than ever, and we are closer as a family. Our parents stuck with us and supported us which allowed us to keep all our teachers, co-teachers, administrators and School Support staff employed. We supported our parents by being there for them emotionally and supporting their child’s emotional, social and cognitive growth. We pushed way outside our comfort zone and accomplished more than we ever thought we could. I am so proud of our TEAM and this is why I just cannot choose one teacher. Thank you for this opportunity to share our story!
Nominated by Kellie Capatasto, Regional Director, Apple Montessori Schools
Ruth Segura
Toddler Teacher
North Hudson Community Action Corporation
Head Start/Early Head Start Program
West New York, NJ
Meet Ruth Segura a Classroom Hero working for the past eight years at the North Hudson Community Action Corporation Head Start/Early Head Start, in West New York, NJ. In addition to creating safe early learning spaces during COVID, Ruth gives special focus to transitioning toddlers who have made their own journeys from other places and finds instrumental ways to engage parents in their child’s developmental growth. Ruth is this year’s recipient of the Coalition of Infant/Toddler Educators (CITE) Ninth Annual June Handler Award, in honor of the organization’s co-founder, June Moss Handler. Given at CITE’s Annual Conference since 2014, this award honors an educator who has earned the New Jersey Infant/Toddler Credential, certification that follows Child Development Associate (CDA), or 120 hours of professional development, and six college credits focused on infant mental health and mentorship in the care and education role. Learn more about Ruth and The New Jersey Infant/Toddler Credential at
Nominated by Coalition of Infant/Toddler Educators (CITE)
Jennifer Carter
Preschool Teacher
The Learning Path Preschool
Chatham, NJ
Jen is being recognized for being committed to her work. Jen has worked at The Learning Path for over ten years including every operating day during the pandemic. The only day she missed was to get vaccinated. But Jen does more than show up, she creates high quality opportunities for her students throughout the entire school day. Jen moves through each obstacle with patience, creativity and quality. Jen creates a welcoming environment and builds positive and healthy relationships with both her students and families. What is most impressive about Jen is her thirst for knowledge and positive attitude. Jen is loved by her students, families and co-workers! As a lifelong resident of Morris County, Jennifer Carter has always valued the importance of education. From the time she was a young child, her dream was to be a teacher. Jennifer had the unique perspective of having a sister with special needs, allowing her to observe the inner workings of special education. Growing up, Jennifer was a member of Girl Scouts and in 2003 became a lifetime member. That year, she also worked towards and earned her Gold Award. Jennifer graduated from the College of Saint Elizabeth in 2007 with a certificate in early childhood education and elementary education, as well as a double major in psychology. She started her career as a teacher at Teddy and Me in Chatham, which later became The Learning Path Preschool, where she is currently the lead teacher in the 3 year old room. Jennifer joined the NJAEYC board as Secretary in June 2019.
Nominated by Meghan Tavormina, President, NJAEYC.
Have a hero in your school or institution? Send a brief description of your hero to
Don’t forget to follow on our social media accounts where we will give each educator a shout-out!
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Request a 2021 Early Childhood Catalog!
Check back periodically for more teacher heroes!