Playful Learning for Infants and Toddlers

Playful Learning for Infants and Toddlers

Playful Learning for Infants and Toddlers

Thank you for attending Playful Learning for Infants and Toddlers
at the 2023 ELCMDM Professional Development Day.

Becker’s is happy to offer a copy of the slide presentation as a PDF for download.
This is for your personal use only. If you would like additional permissions
or more information reach out to us at


View Playful Learning for Infants & Toddlers Presentation


View 10 Strategies to Make the Most of Play


Thank you for attending Playful Learning for Infants and Toddlers at the 2023 ELCMDM Professional Development Day.


Becker’s is happy to offer the presentation as a PDF for download. This is for your personal use only. If you would like additional permissions or more information reach out to us at


View Playful Learning for Infants & Toddlers Presentation

Please check out some of the materials that will support developmental learning in your infant and toddler classroom!

Please check out some of the materials that will support developmental learning in your infant and toddler classroom!